We help you to get statistics of your visitors on your site and make the right decisions based on the substrate.
For you to be able to plan the development of your website (and other marketing, operations), it is important to analyze the statistics and your visitors' behavior.
- How many visitors does the site have?
- Where are they coming from?
- What keywords are they using in search engines to find the site?
- What browsers do they use?
- How many visits the website via mobile?
- What sites do they visit before coming to yours?
These statistics provide valuable answers to help you decide on what action should be taken on the site. Is it perhaps time to develop a mobile version, or to build an app? Does it need to be made special efforts when it comes to search engine optimization?
We will help you both to get a functional tool for statistics, if not already there. Google Analytics is, for example, a statistical tool that usually does not take more than an hour to put on the site but contains virtually everything you need.
Once you get the statistics, we can help to analyze the material and to offer fixes and improvements.
Google Analytics is obviously not the only statistical tool. We also handle other solutions such as Vizzit which is common for major EPiServer-based sites, but there are other solutions where you can get more in-depth information about the visitor, such as which company they come from.
Based on your needs, we propose the best solution for your website.
We also provide search engine optimization (SEO) and SEO analysis.